Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Use for Useless Heroes

Dr Bryan Chapell preaches from Judges 7 on "Use for Useless Heroes" at the Southern Seminary Chapel. One of points he said was that grace is found throughout the Bible - the God of grace is present in the Old Testament and not simply waiting to come on the scene in the New Testament. His message is one of hope as God can use "useless" people like myself just as he can work through a fearful Gideon for the good of His people and for His glory. I found his sermon a solid exposition, a warm exhortation and a heart-stirring message; watch his sermon below:

Grace and Peace
Mar 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Interview with Peter Hitchens - The Rage against God: How Atheism led me to Faith

Peter Hitchens, brother of the atheist Christopher Hitchens (Author of "God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything"), wrote a book "The Rage against God: How Atheism led me to Faith" partly in response to his brother. Peter, a Christian, tells his story in the interview below:

Peter Hitchens Author Interview--The Rage Against God from Gorilla Poet Productions on Vimeo.

HT: Justin Taylor

Grace and Peace
Mar 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Total Trust - Joshua Harris

Joshua Harris, Senior Pastor of Covenant Life Church and author of books like I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Dug Down Deep spoke at Southern Seminary Chapel today. He spoke from Proverbs 3:5-6. Familiar verses but with fresh insights and convicting implications. In particular, I was challenged to reflect whether I fully leaned on God: Harris said that our manner of leaning should be "off-balance" to the extend that we do not have back-up plans but trust wholly and totally in God. Do have a listen to his whole sermon.

Grace and Peace
Mar 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Only in the image of God is a man a True and Real man

Man does not simply bear or have the image of God; he is the image of God.

From the doctrine that man has been created in the image of God flows the clear implication that that image extends to man in his entirety. Nothing in man is excluded from the image of God. All creatures reveal traces of God, but only man is the image of God. And he is that image totally, in soul and body, in all faculties and powers, in all conditions and relationships. Man is the image of God because and insofar as he is true man, and he is man, true and real man, because and insofar as he is the image of God.

- Herman Bavinck [Translated: Anthony A. Hoekema]

Grace and Peace
Mar 2010