Sunday, October 14, 2007

Writer's Block

Writer's block. :(

I wanted to write on my experience a couple of weeks back walking alone along Changi Coastal Walk or my sleep improvement now that I've bought a CPAP but nothing flows from my pen...


Oct 2007


JonC said...

What's a CPAP? hahaha sorry i'm abit ignorant about island acronyms these days. Dryness? what kind? spiritual or just a writer's block

Ollie's intersection with time and space said...

CPAP - A Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine. I've have sleep Apnea - a sleep disorder. This machine (aptly called Spirit :) ) helps me sleep better at night.

Thanks for your concern - it's more of a writer's block. Cannot seem to write much the past 3 - 4 weeks. Maybe because I've been busy with church and work! Need to make time and space for Yahweh to speak.

