Saturday, March 28, 2009

Richard Baxter on Education of Youths

I've been reading the Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter. In in, he writes about what it means to be faithful ministers of the Gospel. In particular, there is a section where he addresses those who have ministry or oversight over youths. Baxter writes,

Again, therefore, I address myself to all who have the charge of the education of youth, especially in order to preparation for the ministry. You, that are schoolmasters and tutors, begin and end with the things of God. Speak daily to the hearts of your scholars those things that must be wrought unto their hearts, or else they are undone. Let some piercing words fall frequently from your mouths, of God, and the state of their souls, and the life to come. Do not say, they are too young to understand and entertain them. You little know what impressions they may make. Not only the soul of the boy, but many souls may have cause to bless God, for your zeal and diligence, yea, for one such seasonable word. You have great advantage above others to do them good; you have then before they grown to maturity, and they will hear you when they will not hear another. If they are destined to the ministry, you are preparing them for the special service of God, and must they not first have the knowledge of him whom they have to serve? Oh think with yourselves, what a sad thing it will be to their own souls, and what a wrong to the Church of God, if they come out from you with common and carnal hearts, to so great and holy and spiritual a work!
- Richard Baxter,
Reformed Pastor (
First published 1656, reprinted 2007 by Banner of Truth Trust), p. 60 (Emphasis mine).

Although Baxter writes with the preparation of youths for the Ministry of the Gospel in mind, his encouragements still are valid for our work with all youths in general . We are to:

1. Teach them from beginning to end the things of God;

2. Teach them about God, their state of their souls and the life to come and not seek to just entertain them; and

3. Ensure that the youths have a knowledge of God even before they serve.

A good reminder from Baxter of the direction and purpose for youth ministries.

Grace and Peace
March 2009

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