Sunday, July 1, 2007

Seeing Life from God's View (Day 5, Purpose Driven Life)

"Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." - Luke 16:10a (NLT)

Life is a test and a trust. What begs the next question - how do we know with what are we tested and with what are we entrusted with? I think the key is in the verse above - small matters. We are to be faithful in small matters.

Oftentimes, we think that we should and can do big things for God. Sometimes God calls us to courageously step forward to accomplish great things for him; however most times it is the small matters that really matters to God. The seemingly insignificant, mundane, common stuff of our life:

- Showing care and love to our parents everyday by helping with chores, being respectful and even just spending time with them;
- Being a good student by diligently doing the work required of you and by being honest;
- Doing what is expected of you at work by working hard as if it's for God;
- Giving thanks to God for the little graces in life and living life with gratitude and cheer; and
- Many others seemingly little things.

Small matters, but they matters to God. For it is in the small matters that our character is built, one small thought and action at a time.

Jul 2007

1 comment:

jiam said...

Hey ollie!
Am encouraged by stuff at home. God seems to be teaching me the same things as well. Ill be heading for a camp that will be teaching about "the church".
I think it would be rather exciting to see what God has to say to me.
SG sure looks heaps nice.It will be a hearty anticipation to step back on Singapore soil permanently.
Meanwhile, have fun with the younglings!
God bless