Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What does the sovereignty of God mean?

"God is Sovereign; We are responsible - we are not robots." - Ligon Duncan

Among Christians, there is always a tension between God's Sovereignty and our responsibility. Listen to Ligon Duncan as he helps us make sense of this "apparent contradiction".

What does the Sovereignty of God means? - Ligon Duncan

God Sovereignty and our responsibility are coordinate truths - they are not opposing but they go together. This understanding when grasped, prevents us from falling into the ditch of passive inaction on one side where we throw our hands in the air and presume on God to act while neglecting our own responsibilities; and the drain of self-focused activism where we presume we act for God, and baptize our sometimes ego-driven actions as "doing for God". We need to adopt, as Jerry Bridges helpfully said, a response of dependent responsibility - to do what we can while dependent on God and acknowledging His Sovereignty over all things. I think this would free us to act boldly with joy and yet with a profound sense of humility and sense of our place in God's grand scheme of things.

Nov 2008

1 comment:

Daphne Tan said...

for a while, i anticipated that bible study/discussion on the parable of the sower at our fellowship today would have turned into this. But phew! it didnt hiehie