Saturday, December 27, 2008

Old Wisdom but still true today

My friend Simon over at Just Another Blog just posted "Old Wisdom for Preachers Today". In it he blogs some notes from his reading of Richard Baxter's "The Reformed Pastor" (available here). It always brings me a smile that this generation in our 20s and 30s are rediscovering and re-reading the Puritans - they were men of convictions and character who sought to live Christ-honouring lives.

Simon wrote the following short notes which are also applicable to those called to some form of Christian Leadership within the body of Christ.

The Oversight of Ourselves -
1. Be diligent to keep myself in a spiritually fit and healthy condition;
2. Make sure your life agrees with your teaching; and
3. Make sure you have what it takes to be a good minister of Jesus Christ.

Application - The Need for Humility
Beware of -
1. Pride;
2. That we do not give the Lord’s work all the energy it requires; and
3. The worldliness amongst us

And lastly,
The management of personal work - It is vital people are convinced of their pastors ability and love for them. If his ability is suspect they will not value his teaching. If the sincerity of his love is questionable they will not trust him. If ministers tried harder to win people’s affection their ministry would be more effective.

The last paragraph caused me to pause for reflections: Do I love the young people I've been privileged to have influence over? Do I give my all to ensure I'm competent in ministry and in the teaching of God's Word? I need to love them and lead and teach them well.

HT. Simon Murphy

Grace and Peace
Dec 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi mr chia! i got the link to your blog from yitinn and realised it's such a small world when i saw this post in reference to simon. just visited his church on sunday! anyway hope all's good on your side!
rachel keh (: