Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bugling for God

It was a couple of weeks back, but I still recall the scene vividly.

I was driving, on my way home. It was past six going on to seven in the evening. The fading light increased the contrast between the light and shadows; the disappearing orb of the sun casting a orange hue on the landscape.

I stopped at a traffic light just on the road outside Temasek Junior College. My mind was still thinking on the work of the day while my eyes was taking in the shadow play of the fading light. Suddenly, from my left I heard a distinctive sound of a bugle. "What?" I thought as I turned and glanced out from my left car window, not believing my ears.

The horn sounded again and it came from a taxi on my left, parked next to my car. The middle age looking driver was blowing on his bugle. He was engaged in pressing on the keys and rehearsing a tune. I thought he was probably with a brass band at some community club somewhere. He continued on his bugle, oblivious to my looking.

I was impressed with his dedication. He was probably driving a 10 -12 hour shift; and when off shift he would likely to have to attend to family and other commitments. He was making use of his time well; snatching short periods of time spent stopping at traffic lights or over meal times to practice.

I reflected on his use of time and realized that as a Christ-follower I should be as wise in the use of my time.

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 (ESV)

We are exhorted to make wise use of our time; to discern our priorities and where we have been called to serve and minister. We are to attend to the best, selecting from all the good things we can possibly do. This means having to discern and say "No" and choosing to devote our given energies and resources to what really matters. In my case, from the number of spiritual gifts inventories I have done in the past pointed to my gifts as "Teaching", "Wisdom" and "Pastor-Teacher". It would mean that I should focus on communicating, writing and meaning making; coaching, mentoring and spiritual direction; and discipling and caring for the youth and young adults small groups in my area of influence. In this way, I can make the best use of my time.

Jun 2007

((Postlude: Again as I write I sense God speaking to me as I write. I've been invited to take on the position of the ministry leader in the youth/young adult ministry in church. However, leadership and administration is not among my giftings. I think I need to re-evaluate this. Is this God's call? or is it motivated by something else? My ego and drive to get things moving? My frustration with the current situation? I happened to speak with Ellen on the idea of an online small group leaders training. After Yann, she's the second person to be enthusiastic on the idea. Myself, I'm excited about this idea and the possibility of doing discipleship in a fresh new way. What is the best use of my time? I need to seriously think this through.))

1 comment:

D said...

what happened to uncle bobby haha