Sunday, June 3, 2007

More Random Snippets from a Caffeine Junkie

You know you are a caffeine junkie when:

Your friend text-message you over MSN and says that whenever she sees coffee she thinks of you.

Your friends on their return from an overseas trip gets you a a packet of fresh coffee beans and a Tee Shirt that says "I'm having an 'out-of-coffee' experience".

Your friends looking for you in a shopping mall immediately proceeds to the nearest Starbucks or coffee cafe - certain that they would find you sipping coffee there.

June 2007


Ellen Wong said...

i think its a clear confirmation when YOU go overseas and research on coffee places to chill.

Ollie's intersection with time and space said...

Actually, I've already done that. Made my pilgrimage to the first Starbucks outlet when I was in Seattle. :) I'm a bona fide caffeine junkie!


yeeks said...

So are you able to discern between like the smells between different coffee beans and all? hahaha

Do that and you'll probably attain coffee-nirvana or something along those lines haha
