Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life's Calling? Part 1

A dear friend from Australia messaged me a question:

"What do you think your final goal in life is? Do you know your calling? If yes, what is it? If no, how do you live your life with an assurance that you are created for a reason other than to commune with God. What are humans made for?

I can see that she was seeking and questioning. I was delighted that she was questioning and reflecting on the life's calling; it is evidence that God's Spirit was at work in her heart. Questions drives understanding and defines learning, but these are tough questions.

I considered her questions and replied as concisely as I can over sms:

"I believe all of us besides primarily to commune with God have an individual distinct calling. However, this does not translate into a well-mapped out life. Rather we can discern God's main melody line in the song of our lives and we can than participate in the improvisation of the harmony. In my context, I think God created me to teach (In Paul Stevens' words, to be a meaning and communication maker, :) ) and to interact with young people (path maker). So the song of my life, you will find these melody lines running through; the actual enactment would be a harmony line of my response - meaning in my vocation I will have elements of teaching and working with younger people though the actual working out of these can vary and differ according to the choices I make. These I believe is my calling in this life."

I realise that it is hard to be concise in the answers to her questions; in summarizing the meaning can be diluted and lost. I supposed we can probably continue this conversation over a few weblog entries. I'll do just that then.

May 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Living for Something Bigger

When I read some books, the words resonates and leaves a deep impression. It is as if the writer is speaking directly to me; or that the writer pens some prose that encapsulates my thoughts and ideas but in words that seems like poetry. James Emery White is one such writer. He exegetes the Word and culture perceptively, and yet maintain the spirit and beauty of a word-smith. I quote from one of his book below. Read on.

"I remember sitting in my car in the parking lot, overwhelmed with a single thought: That's what I want for my life. To be caught up in the sweep of history. To be in the centre of things. To be making a difference. To be at the heart of the struggle between right and wrong, good and evil. My heart was almost breaking at the thought of a life of insignificance. Then I recall thinking. But where can that happen in the real world?...

Then it came to me - as startlingly sudden as a rip of lightning, and as poundingly affirmed as any thunder that could follow - that's what God's invitation to the Christlife is all about!... I could give my life to something that would live on long after I was gone, that was bigger than I was, and where what I did mattered and could affect all of history - even into eternity."
-James Emery White, Serious Times: Making your Life Matter in an Urgent Day

I want to live such a life - a Christlife.

May 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Soul Friends

I had a wonderful evening last night. I managed to catch up with a close friend - one of a circle of a few.

Immediately after the initial few minutes of warming up to each other, we commenced with meaningful, deep conversation. It felt as if we were continuing a conversation though the last we met was some eight months ago. The conversation was soul speak. We actually admitted to missing each other - in a totally non-romantic and platonic sort of way. :P

We spoke for two hours, but it felt like only a brief moment in time. Then we parted - her to her family and marriage and year long break before enrolling in an art school; me to my world of education and ministry with youths and young adults. We parted with each encouraged and thanking God for the ongoing transformation in each other's life.

I think it'll probably be a while before we meet, but I'm sure we will continue the on-going conversation again - for we are soul friends.

Always in gratitude for His grace,

May 2007

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You are Not an Accident (Day 2. Purpose Driven Life)

The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us.” Romans 12:3 The Message.

Again the reminder – if I want to discover and understand myself, I do not start from myself, I should start from God. By understanding God’s character and what He in love has done for us, can I really comprehend my being. Acting then in response to His love and calling can I really fulfill my deepest most desires.


May 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It All Starts with God (Day 1, Purpose Driven Life)

Started the first day of my 40-day Purpose-Driven Life journey. Appropriately, the first chapter is titled "It All Starts with God". I read the chapter slowly and thoughtfully.

Hmm... nothing really new as I've heard this chapter before on my PDL audio CDs and have covered this in both the Youth and Young Adults' cell group.

But what's that again?

"Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life." - Romans 8:6 The Message.

Open and spacious. I've always desire wide open spaces. Maybe it's because I live in a crowded Island city of 4 million; or it's because I've always been sensitive to people - their emotions, remarks and seeming intentions - that I've always sought an "Alone" place. In my day-dreams, my "Alone" place would be on a gentle hillock with a babbling river at its foot. Towering over me would be a number of tall, luxuriant trees and the soft feel of a carpet of grass on my back as I lay gazing at the distant mountains and lakes. Awe-inspiring. Around me would the call of birds, buzz of insects and the rustling of the leaves as a gentle breeze kisses the brow of my head. And next to me would be a good book and a cup of Starbucks coffee. Ah.. the stuff of dreams.

But I can live the open, spacious and free life if I'm attentive to God? In the here and now? That appears to be what living the "God-life" promises. This is counter-intuitive - to shift the focus from self which leads to a dead-end to focusing on God. And yet, that is the paradox of Kingdom living - the more you grasp for your own, the less you have, while the letting go of self and surrendering to God leads to abundant life. A life that is open, spacious and free.

I choose the life that leads to freedom and wide open spaces.

May 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Random snippets from a Caffeine Junkie

Ah… the aroma of a freshly brewed coffee. It’s the closest thing to paradise on this side of heaven.

The sound of raindrops and the grey hues of a rainy day. The stuff of inspiration. Also it serves to enhance the pleasures of a hot cup of coffee.

The allure of the green siren symbol that is Starbucks. It seems to cast a siren call to me as I enjoy the ambience of this the “third place”. Nothing beats hanging out with a cup of coffee and a book in Starbucks. Unless it is hanging out with a close friend with a cup of coffee and a book in Starbucks.

I just realized what a caffeine addict I am! My mental map of Singapore is always in relation to the nearest coffee place.

When under stress or pressure… the first thing I do is to make a cup of coffee.

Being caffeinated is the next best thing to Godliness.

Wide awake….

… and not alone


May 2007

April Madness

I haven't been updating my blog regularly in Apr. It was really Apr madness - busy with conducting/facilitating workshops for teachers; writing a concept paper for a new A-level subject; conducting student interviews; and presenting during the regular Head of Departments meeting etc etc. Whew.... it tires me just to think of it.

Hmm.. the church is starting on the Purpose Driven Life (PDL) programme come late July. I've been thinking how I can help support this and how I can prepare for it. I've decided that to be a guide I need to know the paths. If I'm to help facilitate this for the youths and young adults, I would have to have walk down the ways myself. Inner transformation preceeds outer change. So I suppose I've to start going through the 40 days PDL programme myself first. So forgive me if the next forty days of posting consist mainly of my thoughts and reflections of the Purpose Driven Life. :)


May 2007