For the first talk, Jerry spoke on the "Pursuit of Holiness" with the main text being from Ephesians 4:17-5:5. He said the pursuit of holiness is in response to the Gospel, that we do so in grateful obedience; and that pursuit connoted concentration and diligent effort. In pursuing holiness, there is the concept of putting off and putting on - we are to put off sinful traits and to put on Christ-like Character. He went on to elaborate on specific applications in the areas of integrity, sexual purity and inter-personal relationships. The power to pursue holiness, he said, was given by the Holy Spirit, both to will and to work it out. Our part is to respond with dependent responsibility. In this expression, Jerry reconciled the tension between God's Sovereignty and Man's free-will. It is our responsibility to pursue holiness; but this is in dependent response to God's sovereignty and what He has already done for us through Christ.
There was a time for Question and Answer and one of the questions asked was on how do we teach the next generation - young Christians, the pursuit of holiness? I sat up alert; this too was the thing that preoccupied most of thoughts and directed the work I do. Jerry replied that the first is to teach them the Gospel - this is the foundation. In doing so, they would then obey in gratitude in pursuing holiness; and secondly, that we are to pray, model and teach them - in that order.
A young friend I spoke to remarked after hearing Jerry speak, that he was simple without being simplistic and what he shared, cut straight to the heart, building convictions. That is the power of God's Word declared. I am inspired to dust off my old copy of the "Pursuit of Holiness" and re-read it again.
For more gleanings you can visit Caleb's blog here.
(HT: Caleb Yap)
Sep 2008
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